Too 'Busy' for Me Time?

There is an enormous amount of stress and pressure on young women today to be successful. To be honest it is really competitive out there and we have to work hard to make it right? Well that was me before, now i have learn't to work smart instead. LOL! In the pursuit of following our dreams and working 'smart' we all need occasional breaks for sanity's sake and this involves sparing a few moments each day/week for ourselves.

I've realised the importance of placing myself on my priority list and it has transformed me. Look, if your family, friends and colleagues need your tender love and care so do you. I personally find that when i stop being intentional about my 'Me Time' i start becoming frustrated, grumpy etc. 

Here are some of the things i do to ensure i do not deprive myself of my well deserved 'Me Time'.

One of the best ways we can find time for ourselves is being intentional and actually scheduling it. The same way you schedule class, meetings and daily tasks, you should schedule the time you spend on You. It could be 15 minutes to an hour or an entire day but just include it in your schedule and stick to it. Even on a really busy day, i will still squeeze in 15-20 mins to get out of the office and relax my mind.

Decide what to do.
Spend some time to discover what really makes you happy so that you can get the best out of your 'Me Time'. It can be absolutely anything from listening to music, coloring, journaling, anything that makes you happy. Whenever i think of new ideas of what i want to do, i jot them down in my planner so that i can schedule them for future days.

Get rid of 'Time Bandits'
Organize your responsibilities in a way that leaves you with extra time and learn to say No to unnecessary things. Stop procrastinating and get your most challenging tasks out of the way first.

Sleep Early, Wake up Early
We obtain better quality of sleep when our circadian rhythm is lowest which for human beings is apparently between 10pm-5am so you can imagine how well rested you will be when you sleep before midnight. Waking up early allows you to plan out your day, have breakfast, a short work out session and start your day energized. Whereas waking up late may lead to rushing through the morning, frustration and you miss out on 'Me Time' because of backlog of tasks.

Try to make your 'Me Time' non-negotiable! Treat it the way you would treat an appointment with your doctor or a meeting with your boss. Trust me you will begin to see life in a different light :) 

Love & Blessings
X. Nyasha Nicole. X


  1. It's essential to spare time to be with yourself,thanks for the 'how to'breakdown. Have a great week

    1. It is soooooo essential babe. You're welcome & have a blessed week. Remember to do something this week that your future self will be thankful for :)

  2. Thank you the enlightenment . I always missed out on Me time i really need to work on that.

    1. You should dear. It changes your outlook on life and helps you become a more balanced person. Be sure to start this week :)

  3. Thank you the enlightenment . I always missed out on Me time i really need to work on that.

  4. Whenever I don't rest or reserve time for myself, I get too grumpy. I think its important to plan tasks ahead and stick to it. Great post.

    1. Yea me too, this and hunger are the two things that make me grumpy the most. I'm glad you agree with me😊
